Investigate the crucial relationship between artificial intelligence and human rights. Analyze the extensive impacts of AI technologies on society, focusing on real-world examples across various industries. This course equips you with the necessary knowledge and tools to formulate and advocate for AI strategies that prioritize human rights and accountability.
Valued at $ 495. Yours for just $ 99.
Unpack how AI technologies intersect with and impact fundamental human rights, alongside the ethical considerations this entails.
Discover AI’s diverse effects on human rights within various industries, highlighting the importance of ethical consideration in each domain.
Master strategies for embedding ethical AI principles and human rights within your organization’s AI initiatives.
Lesson 1: Intro to AI Impacts on Human Rights
Lesson 2: Intro to Human Rights
Lesson 3: Business and Human Rights
Lesson 4: Human Rights vs Ethics
Lesson 5: Limitations of AI
Lesson 6: AI in HR Recruitment
Lesson 7: AI in Healthcare
Lesson 8: AI in Financial Services
Lesson 9: AI in Education
Lesson 10: AI in Government
Lesson 11: Responsible AI & Algorithmic Impact Assessments
Lesson 12: Foundational Themes on Responsible AI
Valued at $ 495. Yours for just $ 99.
Master how to navigate ethical dilemmas in AI use within your organization, ensuring decisions bolster human rights.
Develop the ability to lead AI initiatives prioritizing ethical considerations and human rights, enhancing your role as an ethical leader.
Acquire the skills to champion responsible AI practices in your workplace, fostering an environment where technology advances respect for human rights.
Complete the program and earn a certificate that showcases your understanding of AI & Human Rights fundamentals.
Access an extensive toolkit of AI tools and resources, enhancing the practical application of AI and Responsible AI principles in your projects.
Engage with advanced assessment tools to solidify your understanding, and enjoy the process through motivating gamification, ensuring both effective learning and enjoyable progress.
Valued at $ 495. Yours for just $ 99.
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