In this statement, Skills4Good AI means Skills4Good and Building Breakthrough Boards Corp. and includes their related bodies, which may be referred to as “our”, “us” or “we”; and “you” means any and all users of or visitors to this website.
© Skills4Good AI, 2023. All rights reserved. All materials on this website, including without limitation, the courses in the learning management platform as part of the Responsible AI Programs and Leaders on Board Program, are subject to copyright under Canadian law and through international treaties, and applicable law in other countries.
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We and individual contributors do not purport to provide legal or other expert advice through this website and if legal or other expert advice is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
The views expressed in course materials, including by presenters delivering these course materials by lecture, may not necessarily be those of us or any other organization with which they are associated.
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