ANgelo Narciso

Driven to create a human-centric AI world where AI is a force for good

Angelo Narciso

Angelo Narciso, Bsc. IE

COO & Co-Founder

Angelo is the COO & Co-Founder of Skills4Good AI. As an industrial engineer turned tech entrepreneur, Angelo oversees the teams responsible for designing and deploying Skills4Good’s privacy management platforms that leverage technology to identify, mitigate, and monitor the risks of organizations for customers worldwide. He is passionate about figuring out how tech can be leveraged for good.

His long-standing career in IT began with a US-based Fortune 500 corporation in its Asia-Pacific offices. He later founded an IT company that served the banking, insurance, and education sectors. After selling that company, he founded another IT group that provided web design, development & management services to businesses and nonprofits in Canada, the US, and Asia.

His commitment to cleantech in advancing environmental sustainability has motivated him to pursue environmental studies at the University of Calgary and the University of Toronto. His environmental nonprofit work includes completing European greenhouse gas accounting projects and climate change adaptation programs for coffee farmers in South America. As a strong advocate of sustainable development, Angelo believes AI can be positively harnessed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).