Skills4Good matched Diana with the board of Hope 24/7, a nonprofit that offers psychotherapy services for all persons who have been impacted by relationship & sexual violence. It’s a provincially designated Sexual Assault Centre for the Peel Region serving a population of more than 1.4 million people.
This Skills4Good Spotlight series shines a spotlight on some amazing corporate employees who generously share their time, talent and treasure with nonprofits as they help build resilient communities. We recognize and thank corporations and their employees for their meaningful social impact in strengthening nonprofits.
LGM is a Skills4Good Client. It is a national leader in providing finance and insurance services to the Canadian automotive industry. It’s recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies.
Meet Diana Ricketts
Q: Why did LGM Financial engage Skills4Good?
A: One of the key pillars of success at LGM is Giving Back. LGM wants to be seen as a model corporate citizen and have our stakeholders view LGM as a beacon of corporate social responsibility throughout the communities in which we do business. They want to leave a lasting legacy via consistent and relevant giving back practices both in managing operational impact, as well as engaging stakeholders on every level.
The Skills4Good program was well aligned with LGM's social responsibility objectives. The program also allowed the participants to develop leadership skills in other areas besides the workplace.
Q: Why did you participate in the Skills4Good program?
A: The opportunity to participate in the Skills4Good program came at a time when I knew I wanted to step up my giving back game but did not know how. Not only was I able to give back some of the knowledge and experience I have learned over the years, I was able to learn and grow from others on the board as well. The opportunity to give back in a meaningful way to an organization that I am passionate about means I am one step closer to living out my true purpose.
Q: Why did you choose to serve on the Hope 24/7 board?
A: I had the opportunity to interview with several non-profit boards and although all were amazing and did very meaningful work, Hope 24/7 really stood out to me. I am a huge advocate of women's and children's rights, so the values alignment was perfect. After interviewing with the team, I knew they were the right fit. Additionally, I was very impressed with their CEO and her level of commitment. I knew that working with her would be a great growth opportunity for me.
Q: What is the positive impact of your board service on your personal and professional goals?
A: Every time I participate in a board or committee meeting, I not only have the opportunity to lend my professional experience, but I see real life heroes in action. The passion and dedication I see from the CEO and other board members makes me want to do more. It reminds me every day how good I have it, and how little it takes to help out another human being.
The thought of becoming a board member can be intimidating. I knew I wanted to do it, but I just didn't know how. And I wondered if I would have anything useful to contribute. But I have had nothing but love and support from my board team, no matter how "stupid" the question I ask is. Don't be afraid and don't be intimidated. You have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain.
Q: What invaluable contributions do you bring to the Hope 24/7 board?
A: I have 30 years of experience in sales and I bring strength in building relationships, negotiation, decision making and leadership. I also hope I inject a little bit of fun too! I'm able to speak from my knowledge and experience which helps facilitate a better discussion on issues. Each of the board members brings something different and I learn something from each and every one of them.
Q: Would you recommend other professionals to serve on a nonprofit board?
A: 100% yes! If you are at a stage in your life where you have to time to commit to an organization that you are passionate about, then I say do it! At the very least, you will be helping out a group of people in need, but it will be so much more than that.
Q: Could you share an inspirational story or insight from your board service?
A: What I really like about this board is that we realize that we are a team. I found it very interesting that getting to know each other more and interacting more was important to them. I really appreciated that because I believe that getting to know your teammates on a personal level goes a long way in ensuring team success. One of our board members opened up her home to us for a potluck Christmas dinner last December. Not only were all board members invited, but so were their families. I really enjoyed meeting everyone and having my family see why I am so passionate about Hope 24/7.
Nonprofit Recognizes Diana’s Invaluable Contributions
Note: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.
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