Data Privacy Fundamentals

Skills4Good AI Data Privacy Fundamentals

Data Privacy Fundamentals

Skills4Good AI Data Privacy Fundamentals


Advance your understanding of data privacy with this course. It is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge to protect personal information and ensure compliance with confidence. Ideal for professionals across various industries, it unpacks the complexities of data privacy principles, ethical implications, and practical applications. It offers essential insights to safeguard personal data and uphold best practices in the data-driven economy.

What You’ll Learn

  • Foundations of Data Privacy

    Foundations of Data Privacy

    Dive into the basics of data privacy, its importance, and the difference between privacy and security.

  • Data Management Lifecycle

    Data Management Lifecycle

    Understand the journey of personal data from collection to deletion, emphasizing responsible handling at every stage.

  • Compliance Strategies

    Compliance Strategies

    Learn essential compliance tips for small to medium businesses, including appointing a privacy lead and understanding legal obligations.

Course Outline

  • Lesson 1: What is Data Privacy

    Lesson 1: What is Data Privacy

  • Lesson 2: Four Types of Privacy

    Lesson 2: Four Types of Privacy

  • Lesson 3: Why Data Privacy Matters

    Lesson 3: Why Data Privacy Matters

  • Lesson 4: Privacy vs Security

    Lesson 4: Privacy vs Security

  • Lesson 5: What Is Personal Data

    Lesson 5: What Is Personal Data

  • Lesson 6: What Is Sensitive Personal Data

    Lesson 6: What Is Sensitive Personal Data

  • Lesson 7: Identifiability of Personal Data

    Lesson 7: Identifiability of Personal Data

  • Lesson 8: Data Lifecycle

    Lesson 8: Data Lifecycle

  • Lesson 9: Data Lifecycle is Context-Specific

    Lesson 9: Data Lifecycle is Context-Specific

  • Lesson 10: Data Collection

    Lesson 10: Data Collection

  • Lesson 11: Data Usage

    Lesson 11: Data Usage

  • Lesson 12: Data Storage

    Lesson 12: Data Storage

  • Lesson 13: Data Sharing

    Lesson 13: Data Sharing

  • Lesson 14: Data Archiving

    Lesson 14: Data Archiving

  • Lesson 15: Data Deletion

    Lesson 15: Data Deletion

Master Responsible AI & Achieve AI for Good

Why These Skills Are Essential

  • Build Trust

    Build Trust

    In an era where data breaches can erode consumer trust, knowledge of data privacy builds confidence among stakeholders.

  • Ensure Compliance

    Ensure Compliance

    Stay ahead of regulatory requirements, avoiding costly penalties and enhancing your organization’s reputation.

  • Drive Innovation

    Drive Innovation

    Implement Privacy by Design principles to innovate responsibly, embedding data privacy into your projects from the start.

What You’ll Get

  • Skills4Good AI Academy Certificate

    Skills4Good AI Academy Certificate

    Complete the program and earn a certificate that showcases your understanding of Data Privacy fundamentals.

  • Increases Revenues

    Resource Toolkit

    Access an extensive toolkit of AI tools and resources, enhancing the practical application of AI and Responsible AI principles in your projects.

  • Advanced Assessments & Gamification

    Advanced Assessments & Gamification

    Engage with advanced assessment tools to solidify your understanding, and enjoy the process through motivating gamification, ensuring both effective learning and enjoyable progress.

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