Achieve AI 4 Good
with Community Learning

Upskill from AI Basics to Mastery
in an Inclusive Community

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Start Learning Responsible AI

Kickstart Your Learning in Responsible AI

Skills4Good AI is an award-winning edtech leader in Responsible AI education. We bring together professionals passionate about AI to learn foundational skills, share insights, and build valuable connections.

At Skills4Good AI Academy, we provide the tools and a community-driven platform to help you thrive in the digital economy using AI for Good.

Join us to transform your career, connect with diverse professionals, and promote responsible AI use. Together, we can enhance creativity and problem-solving skills, ensuring AI benefits everyone.


AI won’t replace humans.
But humans with AI
will replace humans without AI.

- - - The Harvard Business Review

The Challenge:

The Urgent Need for
Responsible AI Literacy

The Urgent Need for Responsible AI Literacy

In today’s rapidly evolving world, AI is transforming our lives and disrupting industries.

Many professionals lack the necessary AI literacy or fluency to navigate this new landscape. Without upskilling in Responsible AI, we risk falling behind in the digital economy and failing to use AI For Good.

The Vision:

Achieve Fluency in Responsible AI
Through Community Learning

Achieve Fluency in Responsible AI through Community Learning

Imagine being at the forefront of AI innovation, confidently navigating its complexities, and leveraging AI responsibly to drive equity, diversity, and inclusion.

As a professional fluent in Responsible AI, you can transform your career, stay competitive, and contribute to building a future where AI benefits everyone. Achieve this fluency through our vibrant, community-driven learning environment.

The Solution:

Transform Your Career with
Skills4Good AI Academy

Transform Your Career with Skills4Good AI Academy

At Skills4Good AI Academy, we provide the tools and community to ensure you stay ahead in your career while using AI For Good.

Our community-driven learning approach, expert-led courses, and curated resources ensure you remain competitive in the digital economy.

Meet Our AI Academy Head

Josephine Yam

Josephine Yam, J.D., LLM., MA Philosophy (AI Ethics)

AI Lawyer / AI Ethicist / Skills4Good AI’s CEO & Co-Founder

Josephine is the CEO & Co-Founder of Skills4Good AI, an accomplished AI Lawyer, AI Ethicist and TEDx Speaker. Her expertise is widely recognized, earning her numerous accolades globally. She graduated from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business Executive Program. She holds both a Master of Laws degree and a Master of Arts in Philosophy - AI Ethics degree.

She completed advanced studies at Harvard University, the University of Toronto, and the University of British Columbia. Licensed to practice law in New York, Ontario, Alberta and the Philippines, Josephine contributes the Standards Council of Canada's ISO AI Committee and the Center for AI & Digital Policy. Her scholarly work includes co-authoring two international peer-reviewed journal articles on Responsible AI.

Watch Josephine Yam’s TEDx Talk

Explore a more just, equitable, and human-centered AI world through Josephine's insightful TEDx talk.

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Awards & Recognition

  • Top 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics

    Top 100 Brilliant Women in
    AI Ethics

  • Leader in Responsible AI Recognized by the RAII

    Leader in Responsible AI
    Recognized by the RAII

  • TEDx Speaker,

    TEDx Speaker, "How to
    Right Algorithmic Wrongs"

  • RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awardee

    RBC Top 25 Canadian
    Immigrant Awardee

  • Top 21 Asian Entrepreneurs Shaking Up Canada

    Top 21 Asian Entrepreneurs
    Shaking Up Canada

  • Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award

    Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award

Driving Global Leadership in
Responsible AI Education

Skills4Good AI actively shapes global Responsible AI practices through strategic partnerships and diverse engagements with leading organizations, reinforcing our thought leadership in Responsible AI.

Bring Skills4Good AI’s expert insights on cutting-edge Responsible AI practices to inspire and educate your organization.